Take Your Time Sermons

Sermons, reflections, fiction and more for followers of Christ

Latest Posts

  • Veils of the Spirit
    (Sermon) Moses wore a veil over his face to hide the fading radiance of being in the presence of God. Every Christian may encounter a contemporary corollary now that God’s Spirit dwells within us.
  • Scarcity
    (Sermon) Jesus confronts his family and neighbors for having a mindset of scarcity. Their response is to throw him from a hillside cliff. The story challenges us to explore our own perspectives about God’s love.
  • Merry Christmas Everyone!
    (Sermon) A short Christmas thought.
  • Time to Change the Builder
    (Sermon) Election got you anxious or down? It’s a symptom of a bad builder. Psalm 127 reminds us that who we permit to build our homes matters to the children we will become.
  • God, what is your will?
    (Sermon) John and James ask Jesus for a place of honor in the glory that is to come. In the Lord’s response, Jesus reveals much about human motivation. His words call us to soul-searching when asking God for guidance.
  • Older
    (Personal reflection) A story of a climbing tree.
  • The Unforgivable Sin
    (Sermon) Mark’s depiction of the unforgivable sin conveys hope and warning. Both speak to how we should live every day.
  • Why God Made Us
    (Commentary) The Genesis story tells us about God’s creative work, but not so much about why God did that work. The commentary considers a few possible answers, but it all relates back to love.
  • Choose a Purpose
    (Sermon) Isaiah’s vision of God challenges an unstated presumption of the Declaration of Independence and calls us to revisit our purpose in life.
  • You Have Saved Me
    (Sermon) The suffering metaphors of Psalm 22 are still relevant today as is the promise of God’s relief. One Hebrew word, ‘ă·nî·ṯā·nî, translated “you have saved me” connects metaphor and promise and is explored as it applies today.
  • Made for a Time Such as This
    (Personal reflection/Sermon) Perhaps finding your grand purpose includes “a time such as this”. A reflection on the book of Esther.
  • Pooping and Faith?
    (Commentary) What can pooping possibly have to do with faith? The answer might make you smile.


Christians wanting a bit more than a daily devotional will find biblical messages here. Many of these are sermons based on Scripture, but we also write everything from personal journeys/reflections, to modern-day Psalms, prayers and fiction. We hope you will enjoy spending some time with us and pray God will be with you every day in your faith journey. Read more…


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You can read about our two authors here, or see posts authored by either Jen or Dave.