Take your Time Sermons

Meet the Writers


I suppose I have a lot of important identities: Wife, mom, daughter, teacher, painter, writer, optimist, and fan of historical fiction. But above all of those, I am a child of God. Jesus saved me and redeemed me and he continues to do so – Every. Single. Day. As Lauren Daigle sweetly sings in her lovely, raspy, Louisianan voice, “I don’t know who [or where] I’d be if I didn’t know you [Jesus]”. Spot-on accurate. I wish I could say I have it all figured out, but I do not. However, I know who does – Jesus. And that is what I have faith in. He can see fully what I only see a fraction of, and that is as far as my mathematical capabilities go, folks! As I grow in age and faith, each time I read parts of the bible the words weigh more, pierce more, and transform more. And like childbirth, it has not been and is not a pain-free process.

My wish is that those who read my words might be able to relate to my brokenness. God pursued me; every wrong turn I made, he was there (it just took me a while to realize it). Did I mention I am a slow learner? I guess it doesn’t matter how long it took – but I am glad I serve a God who doesn’t forsake us and loves us conditionally, and bonus – has a sense of humor; or at least I would like to think so. 


I am a retired college professor and completed coursework to become a certified lay pastor in the Presbyterian denomination. I occasionally preached as a layman until 2018, when illness ended these efforts. Frustrated and yet accepting of this, I turned to hopefully provide service to God through the writing of sermons here. The encouragement of others brought me to this place, so here’s hoping this is where I am supposed to be.

I write analytically and enjoy questions that result from interpretation of the Scriptures. I am even more interested in the application of these Scriptures to our lives. Most of my sermons reflect this balance of interest. For me, interpreting and applying the Scriptures was deeply transformative, and it is my heartfelt prayer that my words may help another in their transformative journey.  

For those inclined to this kind of writing, I very much hope you will enjoy my posts. May God bless you in your Christian walk. I hope reading here, and all you do for your faith, will make it strong and give you the peace that comes from knowing God.