Take your Time Sermons

Tag: Purpose

  • Veils of the Spirit

    Veils of the Spirit

    (Sermon) Moses wore a veil over his face to hide the fading radiance of being in the presence of God. Every Christian may encounter a contemporary corollary now that God’s Spirit dwells within us.

  • Older


    (Personal reflection) A story of a climbing tree.

  • Choose a Purpose

    Choose a Purpose

    (Sermon) Isaiah’s vision of God challenges an unstated presumption of the Declaration of Independence and calls us to revisit our purpose in life.

  • Made for a Time Such as This

    Made for a Time Such as This

    (Personal reflection/Sermon) Perhaps finding your grand purpose includes “a time such as this”. A reflection on the book of Esther.

  • When You are a False Prophet

    When You are a False Prophet

    (Sermon) It is hard to be Christ’s representative when your family and friends believe God’s principles are false. Jeremiah walked this path as a prophet and shows us the journey we can expect and how best to complete it.

  • Community, Conformity and the Great Commission

    Community, Conformity and the Great Commission

    (Sermon) Paul warns against the hazards of false apostles (unbelievers) within a Christian community. How his warning intersects with the great commission and the reality of the world is explored in the context of psychological realities about human behavior.

  • The New Nihilism

    The New Nihilism

    (Commentary) A new nihilism fueled by scientific speculation of multiple universes is the topic of this year’s best picture, Everything Everywhere All at Once. The action-packed romp with a happy ending offers a solution to today’s nihilism that is as depressing as the nihilism it seeks to address. God offers a compelling alternative.

  • Praying for the Napkin

    Praying for the Napkin

    (Psalms and Prayers) A prayer to hear God’s voice.

  • Remembering the Infinite Holiness of God

    (Sermon) When Isaiah and Simon meet God face-to-face they are overwhelmed with God’s holiness and their own sinfulness. God’s response to their honest, repentant hearts reveals that remembering the infinite holiness of God is the first and perhaps most important step in serving the Lord.

  • Loved, Redeemed and Summoned by Name

    (Sermon) Isaiah predicts judgment and redemption for the Jewish people. His words are applicable for us today. They convey that you and I are loved, redeemed and summoned by name to uniquely serve. That service may be surprisingly simple, wonderfully important, and personally gratifying.

  • The Armor of God

    (Sermon) Paul describes the devil’s schemes to destroy the unity of the church as an individual assault on each of its members. He then describes the armor needed to defend against it. Here the armor is discussed in the context of a single person’s life lived defenseless and defended.

  • Purpose Lost Ch. 4: The Security Guard

    Purpose Lost Ch. 4: The Security Guard

    (Fiction) The fourth chapter in the purpose lost series returns to the day when Stephanie Holmes was in a psychiatric hospital (chapter 1). The security guard, Dave, is called when Stephanie’s parents become unruly. Dave has an unusual secret.

  • Purpose Lost Ch. 1: Stephanie

    Purpose Lost Ch. 1: Stephanie

    (Fiction) A story of a young woman’s struggle with feeling lost in a secular world.