Take your Time Sermons

What does it take to love you?

You are my God, but how can I love you? You unleash the heavens and devastate your creation. You bury us under our homes leaving us to die in the rubble. You permit the worst among us to thrive long enough to kill millions. Our research to relieve pain gives us addiction and death. Your created biology turns once healthy cells against us leaching life away from even the innocent.

You permit us to grow in hate while we defile your sacred institutions, and incline us to value our wisdom over yours in the search for peace.

It seems you made us exquisitely susceptible to enticements of every evil and preordained us to be separated from you.

And yet my God, I do love you. I love you when I see hearts filled with your presence dig through the rubble to find a single trembling hand alive. I love you when your saints rush to help the storm ravaged. I see you in the bodies of those who gave all to save others from evil and alive in the eyes of caregivers who choose compassion over fear.

I see your light cut through the darkness of our souls, the vicissitudes of nature, and the very presence of evil. It glows undiminished and irresistible through it all.

My Lord, my God what does it take to love you? It takes but one glance at the cross. One sudden realization that you lived as us. Walked among us. Experienced being utterly human. By choice and for our sake, you immersed your divinity in the same world you created for us and endured all that human depravity could deliver. You took our sin, our ridiculous criticism and denial of the author of existence, upon your shoulders and made us whole.

It takes only one attitude of mind to love and trust you without reservation. One realization that spreads unbridled over the power of goodness you infuse into the world. One thought that makes loving you irresistible. He Is Risen.

My God, my Lord I have faith that our world is the only way it could be for your light to shine. That regardless of how we view it, everything in this world is yours and will be shaped, formed, and molded to serve your purpose.

How do I know this? How can I love you without reservation in the face of a world beset with natural calamity and willful human fallacy? I can love you with my whole heart because the divine died at Calvary and permanently brought salvation and union with you into the world. An unwarranted gift that if accepted, brings us to the one and only port in the storm where love reigns forever supreme.

My Lord my God I believe in you, trust you, and have absolute faith in your goodness. How could I not love you when your Spirit spent so many years bringing this lost and broken sinner home.

May the grace of your goodness shine brightly over me and all you created this and every day.


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