Take your Time Sermons

Tag: Living for Christ

  • Scarcity


    (Sermon) Jesus confronts his family and neighbors for having a mindset of scarcity. Their response is to throw him from a hillside cliff. The story challenges us to explore our own perspectives about God’s love.

  • The Mindset of Christ Jesus

    The Mindset of Christ Jesus

    (Sermon) St. Paul describes the mindset of Christ Jesus and the pathway that leads us from our own fallen mindset to that of the living Savior.

  • Prioritizing Concerns

    Prioritizing Concerns

    (Sermon) When Peter is rebuked for believing nothing bad can happen to Jesus, Christ reveals a remedy for our human condition that is both paradoxical and beautiful.

  • To Live as He Lives

  • Tell me ‘Bout the Good Old Days

    (Sermon) Seeing God’s principles at work in the good old days makes us long for them to return or for ill-advised progress to at least stop. Peter had a similar response to the Transfiguration of Jesus. His experience instructs us how best to use the past and see the power of God in the world…

  • Refresh the Hearts of the Lord’s People

    (Sermons) Paul writes a lovely, warm letter to Philemon, and in it are lessons for us about how to refresh the hearts of God’s people with love.

  • Give your Life to Save it

    (Sermon) Every day, strive to love Christ exponentially more than anything in this life. Only when we give up our lives for this will we find life as the people we were intended to be.

  • The Priestly Blessing

    (Sermon) What does it mean to have the Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you? It could mean you will be blessed with material things. Philippians has an entirely different interpretation that is a real blessing.